Trump’s Idiot Lawyer Admits To One Of The Charges Against Him On Live TV

Donald Trump's newest lawyer, John Lauro, is proving to be just as incompetent as the rest of his legal team. During interviews on Thursday, Lauro appeared to admit to at least one of the charges against Trump when he told Greg Kelly on Newsmax that Trump simply asked Pence to delay the election certification by 10 days to see if states wanted to send alternate electors. That's actually mentioned throughout the indictment as a BAD THING, and Lauro admitted to it on live TV. Farron Cousins explains what this means. 

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So recently Donald Trump brought on a new member of his legal defense team. He moved Alina Haba off the defense. She wasn't doing a good job anyway, and he replaced her with a, at the time, seemingly competent lawyer by the name of John Laro. Well, after Donald Trump's arraignment on Thursday, Mr. Laura made the media rounds, of course, because right, that's what lawyers do. Um, he went on Fox News, he went on Newsmax with Greg Kelly, and it was during the interview with Greg Kelly that something very interesting happened in a clip that, of course has now gone viral on social media where Mr. Laura appears to actually confirm one of the charges against Donald Trump. So here he is, Donald Trump lawyer John Laro on Newsmax with Greg Kelly effectively admitting to one of the charges against him. Here he is. 

President Trump wanted to get to the truth. He desperately wanted to get to what happened during the 2020 cycle. He did it in the courtroom, he did it in lobbying legislatures, that's all First Amendment. And then at the end, he asked Mr. Pence to pause the voting for 10 days, allow the state legislatures to weigh in, and then they could make a determination to audit or re-audit or recertify. But what he didn't do is, you know, send in the tanks, tell Mr. Pence don't go to the Capitol Hill or do anything that would obstruct the, the due process of government. He was simply petitioning the government the same way, the same way we have those rights with, with his complaints and redresses and objections to the election cycle. He's entitled to do that. If we criminalize that speech, I fear what's gonna happen in the next election cycle when, when perhaps a new administration is gonna come in. And there's gonna be a lot of, a lot of talk about identifying Democrats who obstructed the 2024 cycle. Something else. 

He wasn't interfering in the election. He was just trying to get Mike Pence to interfere with the election. Please say that in court. Hey, John, Laura, if you're listening, if you're watching, please go make that same argument in court like a hundred percent there, there, there it is. That's your winning argument, man. You need to walk into that court and be like, yeah, all those things my client's accused of doing. Yeah, he did 'em, and then just be like, I rest my case. That's how you should handle this lawsuit. A hundred percent. I am behind it all the way. I mean, listen, I thought Alina Haa was bad. Oh, and don't get me wrong, I got another quote from Alina Haa because she actually made things worse too. But this is idiotic. Like this is your, this is kind of your coming out as like Donald Trump's new lawyer. 

You're the competent one. You're the grownup in the room. He's kind of cleaned house. You're taking on the case, you're gonna fix it. And the first thing you do is go out in the media and be like, oh yeah, he did that. Let me read you this to explain why that admission is an admission. Uh, this is from Newsweek. On page 34 of the indictment, there is a section that details how Trump and Eastman met with Pence on January 4th, 2021, two days before the Capitol riot to try and convince Pence that he should quote, reject or sin to the state's biden's legitimate electoral votes rather than count them. Page 42 includes a section that in, uh, states that hours after the January 6th attack took place, Eastman wrote to Pence to quote, implore you to consider one more relatively minor violation of the Electoral Count Act and adjourn for 10 days to allow the legislatures to finish their investigations, as well as to allow a full forensic att of the massive amount of illegal activity that has occurred here. 

So those are literally things that Jack Smith is accusing Donald Trump of doing, like he accused Trump. Like that is part of one of the charges, you know, the, the interference and obstruction of an official government proceeding. And you're out there saying like, yeah, I mean, he just wanted Pence to do that. Jack Smith's like, I know I charged him for that. Why are you telling, why are you admitting this on tv?

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