I’m Stereotyping

This woke sjw teacher made a tiktok video going over the "highlights" of her first day as a teacher... Yes, nearly every every highlight had something to do with being a member of the lgbtq+ community, so my stereotype was correct.

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Thanks to Republican and Conservative media outlets like Fox News, The Daily Wire, and Prageru and individuals like Amala Ekpunobi, Brett Cooper (The Comments Section), Dennis Prager, Anti Prophet, Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Libs of TikTok, Misha Petrov, Joe Rogan, and Candace Owens for shedding light on cringe woke sjw situations like this.

#libsoftiktok  #dailywire  #brettcooper  #thecommentssection  #benshapiro  #mattwalsh  #foxnews  #woketiktok

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